
I started writing advertising in 1979. Since then, both the industry and the media landscape have undergone spectacular changes. But, for a copywriter, the challenge is the same.

What does the audience want? How does this product deliver it? And how do you introduce them to each other? In a way that’s relevant, pithy and memorable?

As online crushes print and company websites supersede corporate brochures, I enjoy this challenge as much now as I always have. 


I left Oxford in 1978 with a BA in English and joined Leo Burnett as a Graduate Trainee. A year later, they offered me a three-month trial as a copywriter.

After lengthy stints at what became Brookes & Vernons (latterly as Group Creative Director) and Dewe Rogerson, I went to Delaney Fletcher Bozell in 1996, joining the board in 1998. When DLKW & Partners formed in 2000, I was one of the eight original partners. After 15 years, I left what became DLKW Lowe in 2012.

After three years at Saatchi Masius, I left London and moved back home to the Midlands, where I have been freelance ever since.

I am equally at home working in any medium and, over the years, my work has been recognised by every major UK and international advertising awards scheme.   

 Career Summary

2012 – 2015    Saatchi Masius – Senior Copywriter
2010 – 2012    DLKW Lowe – Creative Group Head
2008 – 2010    DLKW & Partners Ltd – Creative Director
2000 – 2008     DLKW & Partners – Partner, Creative Director
1996 – 2000     Delaney Fletcher Bozell – Creative Director, Copywriter
1989 – 1996     Dewe Rogerson – Senior Copywriter
1986 – 1988     Brookes & Vernons – Group Creative Director
1981 – 1986     Brookes Advertising – Senior Copywriter
1978 – 1981     Leo Burnett – Graduate Trainee/copywriter 


Alcohol – Marston’s Pedigree, Strongbow, Bass M&B
Automotive – Rolls-Royce, Bentley, Jaguar, Chrysler Jeep, GM/Vauxhall
Charity/Public Service – Marie Curie Cancer Care, MicroLoan Foundation (‘Pennies for Life’),
COI Anti-Teenage Pregnancy, COI National Blood Service, RNLI, Teacher Training Agency
Corporate – British Steel, Westland, Heathrow
Media – The Times, Financial Times, Forbes
Energy – ExxonMobil/Esso, E.ON
Financial – Britannia Building Society, Gartmore, Henderson Investors, Jupiter, Aviva, Invesco Perpetual, HBOS Group, Merrill Lynch, Scottish Widows, Rothschilds Asset Management, TSB
Household/FMCG – Unilever (Cif/Knorr), Alka-Seltzer, Cadbury’s, Perrier, Amtico Flooring
Youth – COI Anti-Teenage Pregnancy

 Other writing/activities

Throughout my advertising career, I have also taken the opportunity to write in other forms, and with other writers. Projects include: ‘The April Fool Story’ (Radio 4); ‘Lean on Me’ – a six-part comedy series starring Maureen Lipman and Julia McKenzie (Radio 4); and two books with author Julia Middleton: ‘Beyond Authority: Leadership in a Changing World’ (2007) and ‘Cultural Intelligence: CQ: The Competitive Edge for Leaders Crossing Borders (2014).

References are available on request